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Chess Game Source Code Java


I am trying to create a chess game sort of and I need help with putting labels on all sides of the board to label the rows and columns in either A-H or 1-8. I have no idea how to do it. Also later on I'll be adding a feature to drag and drop the pieces. Is it best to use JLabels? Anyways I would I go about putting the labels on the side? Thanks!

Chess Game Source Code Java

This page hosts the C++ and Java source codes for aUCI-based analyser for chess gameswritten in PGN notation. The programs were written as part our research for the paper,On the limits of engine analysis for cheating detection in chess,Computers & Security48:58-73. Available at: source is made available under the terms of The GNU General Public License.

The integrity of online games has important economic consequences for both thegaming industry and players of all levels, from professionals to amateurs.Where there is a high likelihood of cheating, there is a loss of trust andplayers will be reluctant to participate ---particularly if this is likely to cost them money.Chess is one game that has been established online for around 25 years and is playedover the Internet commercially.In that environment, where players are not physically present over the board (OTB),chess is one of the most easily exploitable games by those who wishto cheat, because of the widespread availability of very strong chess-playing programs.Allegations of cheating even in OTB games have increased significantlyin recent years, and even led to recent changes in the laws of the game that potentiallyimpinge upon players' privacy.In this work, we examine some of the difficulties inherent in identifying the covert use ofchess-playing programs purely from an analysis of the moves of a game.Our approach is to deeply examine a large collection of games where there isa very high degree of confidence that cheating has not taken place, and analyse those that could be easily misclassified.We conclude that there is a serious risk of finding numerous false positives and that,in general, it is unsafe to use just the moves of a single game as prima facie evidenceof cheating. We also demonstrate that it is impossible to compute definitive values of the figures currently employed to measure similarity to achess-engine for a particular game, as values inevitably vary at different depths and, even under identical conditions, when multi-threading evaluationis used.PurposeThe purpose of the analyser is to read a source file containing moves ofone or more chess games (properly encoded - see below) and pass them toa UCI-compatible chess engine for evaluation.The analyser receives back the engine's evaluations and writes them out inan XML format for processing by another program, such as the Java one provided here.The analyser's program arguments are used toconfigure the engine for search depth, number of candidate moves, etc.Note that the code does not include a UCI engine but provides an interfacethat allows games to be analysed via such an engine.A suitable free engine would be stockfish.C++ source code of the analyser in gzipped/tar format.C++ source code of the analyser in zip format.This page also hosts a separate Java XML processor to process the output from the analyser.Java source code of the XML processor in gzipped/tar format.Java source code of the XML processor in zip format.Executable JAR file of the XML processor.InstallationA Makefile is provided for installation of the analyser on Unix/Linux/cygwin environments thathave a C++ compiler.UsageThe analyser takes 0 or more command-line options (see below) and 0 or more game files.If no game files are provided then it reads games from standard input:analyse [optional-command-line-options] game-file ...The analyser requires as input games written with PGN headers. However, UCI enginesexpect the moves of a game to be formatted in long-algebraic notation, so games shouldbe provided to the analyser in the form shown below under Input Format.The easiest way to convert a game into this format is to use a tool such aspgn-extract.Its -Wuci flag will output the moves of a game in a format suitable for theanalyser to pass on to a UCI engine. For instance:pgn-extract -Wuci -oout.pgn games.pgnoutputs the PGN games from games.pgn to the file out.pgn, which would then be passedto the analyser.Command-line OptionsThe UCI engine to use should be specified via --engine with either the full pathname ofthe engine program, or a name that will be found in your environment's executable searchpath. The default name is "stockfish".--annotate output the games with evaluation annotations--annotatePGN output the games in PGN format with evaluation annotations--blackonly only analyse black's moves--bookdepth depth depth in ply to skip at start of game--searchdepth depth search depth in ply--engine program program to use as the UCI engine--help show this usage message--setoption optionName optionValue set a UCI option--variations vars number of variations to analyse per move--whiteonly only analyse white's movesInput FormatA game in the format expected by the analyser - note that the moves have been(re)written into long-algebraic form usingpgn-extract.[Event "World Championship 23th"][Site "Moscow"][Date "1960.03.17"][Round "2"][White "Botvinnik, Mikhail"][Black "Tal, Mihail"][Result "1/2-1/2"][BookDepth "17"]d2d4 g8f6 c2c4 c7c5 d4d5 e7e6 b1c3 e6d5 c4d5 d7d6 g1f3 g7g6 c1g5 f8g7 f3d2 h7h6g5h4 g6g5 h4g3 f6h5 d2c4 h5g3 h2g3 e8g8 e2e3 d8e7 f1e2 f8d8 e1g1 b8d7 a2a4 d7e5c4e5 e7e5 a4a5 a8b8 a1a2 c8d7 c3b5 d7b5 e2b5 b7b6 a5a6 b8c8 d1d3 c8c7 b2b3 e5c3d3c3 g7c3 a2c2 c3f6 g3g4 c7e7 c2c4 d8c8 g2g3 f6g7 f1d1 c8f8 d1d3 g8h7 g1g2 h7g6d3d1 h6h5 g4h5 g6h5 g3g4 h5g6 c4c2 f8h8 b5d3 g6f6 g2g3 e7e8 d3b5 e8e4 c2c4 e4c4b3c4 f6e7 b5a4 g7e5 g3f3 h8h4 d1g1 f7f5 1/2-1/2Output FormatThe analysis of each game is output in XML format (except when--annotatePGN isused). The output includes the game detailsd2d4 g8f6 c2c4 c7c5 d4d5 e7e6 b1c3 e6d5 c4d5 d7d6 g1f3 g7g6 c1g5 f8g7 f3d2 h7h6g5h4 g6g5 h4g3 f6h5 d2c4 h5g3 h2g3 e8g8 e2e3 d8e7 f1e2 f8d8 e1g1 b8d7 a2a4 d7e5c4e5 e7e5 a4a5 a8b8 a1a2 c8d7 c3b5 d7b5 e2b5 b7b6 a5a6 b8c8 d1d3 c8c7 b2b3 e5c3d3c3 g7c3 a2c2 c3f6 g3g4 c7e7 c2c4 d8c8 g2g3 f6g7 f1d1 c8f8 d1d3 g8h7 g1g2 h7g6d3d1 h6h5 g4h5 g6h5 g3g4 h5g6 c4c2 f8h8 b5d3 g6f6 g2g3 e7e8 d3b5 e8e4 c2c4 e4c4b3c4 f6e7 b5a4 g7e5 g3f3 h8h4 d1g1 f7f5 1/2-1/2...This is following by the analysis, which includes the settings of the engine: ... The evaluation of each played move and the required number of alternatives follow:g6g5Evaluations are typically in centipawns.Annotated output in PGN formatThe argument --annotatePGN allows the engine's analysisto be output in PGN format rather than XML. Each move is followed byits evaluation in a comment and, if the engine considers there is a better move,the alternative in a variation with its evaluation.A possible series of steps to analyse the games in games.pgn might be:# Turn the original games into UCI-compatible format.pgn-extract -Wuci --output games-uci.pgn games.pgn# Analyse the games with stockfish to search depth 12 and# output the analysis in PGN format.analyse --engine stockfish --searchdepth 12 --annotatePGN games-uci.pgn > games-annotated.pgn # Format the output nicely.pgn-extract --output annotated.pgn games-annotated.pgnSince both pgn-extract and analyse can be used ina pipeline, the intermediate files may be omitted:pgn-extract -Wuci games.pgn \ analyse --engine stockfish --searchdepth 12 --annotatePGN \ pgn-extract --output annotated.pgn games-annotated.pgnProcessing the XML OutputThe XML processor is designedto read the XML output of the analyser and provide summary statistical information from it.The program is provided as a JAR file, dataextract.jar, which can be executed,once downloaded, as follows:java -jar dataextract.jargiven a suitable installation of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).UsageThe processor takes 0 or more command-line options (see below) and 1 or moreXML -jar dataextract.jar [optional-command-line-options] xml-file ...In essence, the program is used to provide summary statistics on the degree towhich the moves played in a chess game match those selected by a UCI-compatiblechess engine. The two key statistics are CV and AE. These are defined as follows:Coincidence Value (CV) is a figure between 0 and 1 representingthe proportion of non-book moves chosen by a player with the same evaluation asthe engine's preferred move.Average error (AE) is the mean difference in evaluation between the best moveand the played move for non-book moves, expressed in centipawns.For each game analysed, two lines are output (one for each player) in the followingformat:Date:Player:W/B:BD:EM:Depth:AE:sd:CV:Fields are separated with a colon character. The fields have a fixed-width, as indicated:Date (4): The year of the game.Player (30): The player's name.W/B (1): Either W or B depending upon which player colour the data refers to.BD (3): The book depth. The number of ply considered book and, therefore, not analysed.EM (3): The number of moves evaluated for this player in this game.Depth (2): The UCI engine's search depth.AE (8): The AE value for this player's moves in this (6): The standard deviation of the score differences for this player in this game.CV (5): The CV value for this player's moves in this game.For instance:2002:Pyshkin, Aleksandr Sergeevic :B: 8: 22:14: -19.27: 32.9: 0.41:This line indicates a game played in 2002 where Pyshkin played black. The first 8ply were treated as book moves and 22 further moves by Pyshkin were analysed to depth14. The average centipawn difference in evaluation between the moves played by Pyshkinand the engine's assessment of the best move was -19.27. The standard deviation was32.9. 41% of the moves played by Pyshkin were considered equal in evaluation to thebest move at that point by the engine. Annotating a GameThe processor can be used to convert the analyser's XML output into annotated versionsof games via the --annotate flag. The alternative would be to use the--annotatePGNoption to the analyser itself, so this option is really only necessary topost-process XML output to avoid re-running the original analysis.In this case, the game scores are output with centipawn evaluations of the moves and alternativesin comments.For example, using the analyser's output in output.xmlto create annotated PGN games in annotated.pgn:java -jar dataextract.jar --annotate annotated.pgn output.xmlCommand-line Options--AEthreshold D - set the lower AE threshold for outputting details of games to D.--CVthreshold D - set the lower CV threshold for outputting details of games to D (0-1.0).--annotate filename - output the games with evaluation annotations.--fullstats - output the differences values of each move.--help - show the usage information.--id id-string - output only games with the given ID (see below for ID).--idfile filename - output only games with the IDs listed in filename.--matching - output the PGN for games that are output, in the file matching.pgn--minlength N - only output games with a minimum of N evaluated moves.--player name - only output games played by the given player. NB , and will match any player playing white, black, or either colour, respectively.--random probability - randomly select games to be output with the given probability (0-1.0).--stats - output stats on the game to standard output (default).ID stringsThe --id option allows selection of a game with specific details. The --idfile option allowsmultiple ID strings to be stored in a file to simplify command-line usage.An ID consists of the first 5 fields of the output format:Date:Player:W/B:BD:EMwhere Date is 4 characters, Player is 30 characters, W/B is 1 character, BD is two charactersand EM is 3 characters.Examples:java -jar dataextract.jar --player "" file.xmlwill output the stats for all players in the games found in file.xmljava -jar dataextract.jar --player "" --matching file.xmlwill output the stats for all players playing White and write a file, matching.pgn,containing the -jar dataextract.jar --player "Morphy, Paul" --CVthreshold 0.9 file.xmlwill output only those statistics for games in file.xml in which Paul Morphy's moves havea CV value of at least -jar dataextract.jar --id "2002:Pyshkin, Aleksandr Sergeevic :B: 8: 22" --matching file.xmlwill output the game described above that was played in 2002 by Pyshkin.Related LinksPGN-Spy by Michael Gleeson.A tool to help detect cheating in chess, uses the analyser for part ofits functionality.This page( or -analyser/)is maintained by:David J. Barnes(the anti-spam email address will need editing by you)to whom any questions, comments and corrections should be addressed. 2ff7e9595c

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