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President- Dr. Sir. K V Krishnan (Malabar Tiles, Feroke)General Convener- Dr. K M J NambuthiriGeneral Secretary- Kurungaattu Vasudevan Nambuthiri, Mob: +91-

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In this picture, east is to the right. Each structure has specific dimensions, though the picture is not to scale. The most fascinating aspect of our vedic rituals is the attention to detail and how carefully these details have been handed over from one generation to the next. The picture describes Yagasala as in 1975 athirathram. 2011 Athirathram is a replica of the same. To describe in brief, Yagasala has 7 main parts:

There are several such chitis that have been used. The key point behind all these structures is that they are all constructed on several layers and are not made as one monolithic clay structure but using several bricks. Syenachiti in this athirathram is built as 5 layered structure. However there is at least one place where much complex Syenachiti has been observed. The geometrical details that guide the construction of these structures would prove the adeptness of ancient Indians with Geometry. 2ff7e9595c


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